• 1 декабря 2017, пятница
  • Москва, Artplay, г. Москва, ул. Нижняя Сыромятническая, д. 10с7 Площадка IQOS

Blockchain & Digital currencies talks

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2337 дней назад
1 декабря 2017 c 18:30 до 21:30
Artplay, г. Москва, ул. Нижняя Сыромятническая, д. 10с7 Площадка IQOS

International discussion about digital currencies with English (and French) speaking experts Edouard Vallet and Tahar Slimaini. Do you have something to tell about Russian cryptocurrencies? Do you want to know some more about European community? Do you speak English well?☺ Please come!

In the last couple of years many investors have accumulated a significant amount of wealth in the form of digital currencies and are now looking for ways to preserve this wealth by diversifying part of their capital back into more traditional assets in a simple and fully legal manner.

At the other end of the investment chain, more and more private funds are looking to invest in digital currencies but they little experience of this ecosystem and tend to under-perform.

Edouard Vallet is a digital currencies expert well known in the blockchain investment universe as ’superresistant’ and Tahar Slimani is a pionner of the Internet and a crowdfunding consultant accredited by the AMF, the financial regulator. Working together, and starting from these two observations, they created a fully compliant and tax-efficient bridge allowing capital to flow between the digital and the traditional economy.


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